Third World Guide 93/94
The World As Seen By the Third World

Publisher:  Garamond Press, Toronto, Canada
Year First Published:  {1181 Third World Guide 93/94 THIRD WORLD GUIDE The World As Seen By the Third World Garamond Press Toronto Canada 1984 1994 631pp BC1181s-ThirdWorldGuide.jpg B Book 0-920059-11-2 HC59.69.G843 CX9257 1 false true false CX9257.htm [0xc001fef710 0xc00166a9f0] Cx}
Year Published:  1994
Pages:  631pp   ISBN:  0-920059-11-2
Library of Congress Number:  HC59.69.G843Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX9257

Subject Headings

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