The Origins of the Union Shop

Wetzel, Tom
Publisher:  Ideas & Action
Year First Published:  {23888 The Origins of the Union Shop ORIGINS OF THE UNION SHOP Wetzel, Tom Ideas & Action Though the typical union contract nowadays contains some sort of union shop provision, union membership was voluntary under almost all CIO contracts prior to 1942. The dues "check off" was virtually unknown in the late '30s and dues were collected on the shop floor by shop stewards and committeemen. 1986 1989 ART Article CX9141 0 false true false CX9141.htm [0xc0009717a0] Cx}
Year Published:  1989
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX9141

Though the typical union contract nowadays contains some sort of union shop provision, union membership was voluntary under almost all CIO contracts prior to 1942. The dues "check off" was virtually unknown in the late '30s and dues were collected on the shop floor by shop stewards and committeemen.

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