The Accumulation of Capital An Anti-Critique
The Accumulation of Capital, or What the Epigones Have Made of Marx's Theory

Luxemburg, Rosa
Year First Published:  {23761 The Accumulation of Capital An Anti-Critique ACCUMULATION OF CAPITAL AN ANTI-CRITIQUE The Accumulation of Capital, or What the Epigones Have Made of Marx's Theory Luxemburg, Rosa Rosa Luxemburg's reply to the critics of her book The Accumulation of Capital. Originally written in 1915 while Luxemburg was interned in the women’s prison, Barnimstrasse, Berlin, and published after her death. 1915 1921 BL0595-Rosaluxemburg3W.jpg B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents: <br> <br>Chapter 1: The Questions At Issue <br>Chapter 2: The Critics <br>Chapter 3: Bauer’s General Criticisms <br>Chapter 4: The ‘New’ Population Theory of Otto Bauer <br>Chapter 5: Bauer’s ‘Practical’ Conclusions <br>Chapter 6: Imperialism CX9053 0 false true false CX9053.htm [0xc000b027e0 0xc000b02b10 0xc0022fc150 0xc0022fcf00 0xc0022fd710 0xc002324180 0xc0004cbfb0] Cx}
Year Published:  1921
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX9053

Rosa Luxemburg's reply to the critics of her book The Accumulation of Capital. Originally written in 1915 while Luxemburg was interned in the women’s prison, Barnimstrasse, Berlin, and published after her death.


Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: The Questions At Issue
Chapter 2: The Critics
Chapter 3: Bauer’s General Criticisms
Chapter 4: The ‘New’ Population Theory of Otto Bauer
Chapter 5: Bauer’s ‘Practical’ Conclusions
Chapter 6: Imperialism

Subject Headings

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