The Remaking of the American Working Class
The Restructuring of Global Capital and the Recomposition of Class Terrain
Goldner, Loren
Year First Published: {23757 The Remaking of the American Working Class REMAKING OF THE AMERICAN WORKING CLASS The Restructuring of Global Capital and the Recomposition of Class Terrain Goldner, Loren Today, one can only be practical by posing contemporary problems where they have, in fact, always been located: not in the "factory", the material condensation of the capitalist juridical entity par excellence the enterprise, but at the level of the total worker (Gesamtarbeiter) and his alienated phantom, the total capital. 1981 1999 ART Article CX9049 0 false true false CX9049.htm [0xc000f545a0] Cx}
Year Published: 1999
Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX9049
Today, one can only be practical by posing contemporary problems where they have, in fact, always been located: not in the "factory", the material condensation of the capitalist juridical entity par excellence the enterprise, but at the level of the total worker (Gesamtarbeiter) and his alienated phantom, the total capital.
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