A Plea for Justice
Publisher: Carswell Lake Dene Support Committee, Saskatoon, CanadaPages: 2pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX880 A Plea for Justice was written by a group of people in Saskatchewan who have formed the Carswell Lake Dene Support Committee. Abstract: A Plea for Justice was written by a group of people in Saskatchewan who have formed the Carswell Lake Dene Support Committee. Their major concern is protection of their land rights. Two major issues threaten their land rights - both in the name of economic development and prosperity. First, the nuclear power corporation AMOK totally ignores the existence of the Dene. Secondly, Canadian and American development of the north is in complete disregard of the Dene and their land. The Carswell Committee makes a plea for people to petition the government and corporations asking for a moratorium on northern development until land claims are settled; and further development must occur in consultation with the Native people. Included are the names and addresses of the appropriate government people to write. Subject Headings |