Imperialism and World Economy

Bukharin, Nikolai
Publisher:  Monthly Review Press
Year First Published:  {23215 Imperialism and World Economy IMPERIALISM WORLD ECONOMY Bukharin, Nikolai Monthly Review Press Bukharin's 1929 anticipation of the growth of the internationalization of capital. 1915 1929 175pp BC23215-ImperialismWorldEcon.jpg B Book 978-1-58367-290-4 CX8787 0 false true false CX8787.htm [0xc000bd1b60] Cx}
Year Published:  1929
Pages:  175pp   ISBN:  978-1-58367-290-4
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX8787

Bukharin's 1929 anticipation of the growth of the internationalization of capital.

Subject Headings

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