The Revolution of Everyday Life

Vaneigem, Raoul
Publisher:  Rebel Press/Left Bank Books
Year First Published:  {23058 The Revolution of Everyday Life REVOLUTION OF EVERYDAY LIFE Vaneigem, Raoul Rebel Press/Left Bank Books The classic complement to Debord's Society of the Spectacle. Vaneigem examines the minutia of power as "abstracted mediation and mediated abstraction" that permeates everyday life and the means of seizing control of our lives and truly living. 1967 2001 279pp BC23058-Revolution.jpg B Book 978-0946061013 CX8690 0 true true false CX8690.htm [0xc0004da870 0xc0001993b0 0xc000442ab0 0xc002301590] Cx}
Year Published:  2001
Pages:  279pp   ISBN:  978-0946061013
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX8690

The classic complement to Debord's Society of the Spectacle. Vaneigem examines the minutia of power as "abstracted mediation and mediated abstraction" that permeates everyday life and the means of seizing control of our lives and truly living.

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