Writing in an Age of Silence

Paretsky, Sara
Publisher:  Verso
Year First Published:  {22807 Writing in an Age of Silence WRITING IN AN AGE OF SILENCE Paretsky, Sara Verso Sara Paretsky explores the traditions of political and literary dissent that have informed her life and work, against the unparallelled repression of free speech and thought in the USA today. 2007 2009 $28.50 B Book 978 1 84467 122 9 CX8594 0 false true false CX8594.htm [0xc0001f2180 0xc0006b0de0 0xc00071def0] Cx}
Year Published:  2009
Price:  $28.50   ISBN:  978 1 84467 122 9
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX8594

Sara Paretsky explores the traditions of political and literary dissent that have informed her life and work, against the unparallelled repression of free speech and thought in the USA today.

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