Organize! Organizing for Social Change

Bobo, Kim; Kendall, Jerry; Max, Steve
Date Written:  1996-01-01
Publisher:  Seven Locks Press, Santa Ana, CA 92704, USA
Year First Published:  {22738 Organize! Organizing for Social Change ORGANIZE ORGANIZING FOR SOCIAL CHANGE Bobo, Kim; Kendall, Jerry; Max, Steve Seven Locks Press Santa Ana, CA 92704 USA A guide to community organizing with attention to specific tasks such as hosting meetings, public speaking and making partnerships with other activist groups. 1996-01-01 1996 2001 $78.37 B Book 0929765419 CX8538 0 false true false CX8538.htm [0xc0008d55f0 0xc000dbbf50 0xc0002cfb30 0xc0000e5dd0 0xc00090b170 0xc001d68e10 0xc00126dd70 0xc0005a7110] Cx}
Year Published:  2001
Price:  $78.37   ISBN:  0929765419
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX8538

A guide to community organizing with attention to specific tasks such as hosting meetings, public speaking and making partnerships with other activist groups.

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