Everybody Loves a Good Drought
Stories from India's Poorest Districts

Sainath, P.
Publisher:  Penguin Books Canada Ltd.
Year Published:  1996
Pages:  470pp   Price:  $24.85   ISBN:  0-14-025984-8
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX8355

P. Sainath devoted 2½ years to visiting and recording the realities - delving into the fundamentals, the why of the realities - in India's 10 poorest districts.

Everybody Loves a Good Drought comprises cautionary tales with fundamental implications for Canadians and others being herded into an economic compound called "Globalization."

The book provides compelling substance. Many of the stories of injustice - of the outright theft of tribal lands, of corruption in aid agencies - defy belief. But they are carefully documented.

Sainath devoted 2 ½ years to visiting and recording the realities - delving into the fundamentals, the why of the realities - in India's 10 poorest districts.

Publication of some of Sainath's stories resulted in crackdowns on the corruption he uncovered. At least one led to the murder of one of the people who spoke with him. All the stories had significant impact, individually and collectively.

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