Special Places
The Changing Ecosystems of the Toronto Region

Roots, Betty I., Chant, Donald A., Heidenreich, Conred E.
Publisher:  UBC Press, Vancouver, Canada
Year Published:  1999
Pages:  342pp   ISBN:  0-7748-0735-0
Library of Congress Number:  QH106.2.O5S63 1999   Dewey:  508.713'541
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX8203

Special Places explores the changing ecosystem of the Toronto area over the past century, looking at the environmental conditions that influence the whol region and at the surprising range of plants and animals you can find in many of its natural spaces.


Table of Contents


Part I: The Broad Physical Basis
1. The Physical Setting: A Story of Changing Environments through Time
2. Climate
3. Watersheds

Part II: From Wilderness to City
4. Native Settlement to 1847
5. Spatial Growth

Part III: The Past and Present Natural Environment
6. Ecology, Ecosystems, and the Greater Toronto Region
7. Vascular Plants
8. Mosses, Liverworts, Hornworts, and Lichens
9. Fungi
10. Invertebrates
11. Insects
12. Fish
13. Amphibians and Reptiles
14. Mammals
15. Birds

Part IV: The Special Places
16. From Acquisition to Restoration: A History of Protecting Toronto's Natural Places
17. Special Places

Waterfront Ecosystems: Restoring is Remembering
The Port Lands: The significance of the Ordinary
Scarborough Bluffs
The Savannahs of High Park
Oak Ridges Moraine
Credit River
Humber Valley
Don Valley
Duffins Creek
Rouge Valley

18. Discussion and Conclusions
The History of the Royal Canadian Institute

References and Additional Reading
Contributors' Acknowledgments

Subject Headings

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