The End of Suburbia
Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream

Greene, Gregory
Publisher:  The Electric Wallpaper co.
Year Published:  2004
Pages:  78 min   Resource Type:  Film/Video
Cx Number:  CX8201

Documentary about the Peak Oil theory and its implications for the America way of life.

Documentary about the Peak Oil theory and its implications for the America way of life. Suburbia has long been the symbol for the American dream, but as we enter the 21st century the sustainability of this way of life is being seriously examined. The film questions what will happen to the American way of life when the global demand for fossil fuels outstrips supply and what the consequences will be for ordinary citizens. The director interviews different scientists and policy makers who argue that the World Oil Peak and the decline of fossil fuels is upon us now and unless we begin to take this seriously the consequences in North America will be enormous.

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