Exporting Danger
A History of the Canadian Nuclear Energy Export Program
Finch, Ron
Publisher: Black Rose Books
Year Published: 1987
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX8178
Finch's book is a historical review of Canada's involvement with the nuclear industry since it origins in World War 11. The nuclear program has never strayed far from its military roots and its use of secrecy by governments maintains its control of nuclear exports. Public expenditure on research and development, uranium stockpiling, loan guarantees and interest concessions are never disclosed. Finch outlines the dangerous mistakes, bureaucratic nepotism and disregard of public safety that has occurred and lack of due political process. What emerges are governments that collude with corporations to push nuclear technology world wide (i.e. CANDU) and support weapons proliferation while mouthing rhetoric about arms control. A public relations façade of liberalism that masks the cynical pursuits of economic interests.