Paradise Lost at Sea
Rethinking Cruise Vacations

Klein, Ross
Publisher:  Fernwood Publisning
Year Published:  2008
Pages:  160pp   ISBN:  9781552662762
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX8097

Klein's book looks at the hidden realities of cruise ships. The cruise lines prefers to keep some of the ugly truths from media scrutiny: cruise ship safety, sexual assaults, onboard crime and injury and death from accidents at sea. He also questions their claims of environmental protection and its impact on local communities to protect their marine nature. Further exposed are the health risks and medical care and the dark side of life below deck. He concludes by summarizing the issues and challenges that must be faced by all who use curise ships.

Klein's book looks at the hidden realities of cruise ships. The cruise lines prefers to keep some of the ugly truths from media scrutiny: cruise ship safety, sexual assaults, onboard crime and injury and death from accidents at sea. He also questions their claims of environmental protection looks at its impact on local communities to protect their marine nature. Further exposed are the health risks and medical care and the dark side of life below deck. He concludes by summarizing the issues and challenges that must be faced by all who use curise ships.

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