Reshaping Immigrant Lives in Cold War Canada
Iacovetta, Franca
Publisher: Between the Lines
Year Published: 2006
Pages: 384pp Price: $34.95 Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX8086
Gatekeepers is a study of European immigration to Canada during the cold war and an analysis of the interactions of the immigrants and the gatekeepers-primarily middle class social workers, citizenship officials, community lobbyists and women's groups. Their definitions of citizenship and democracy shaped the new immigrants. Through the press, political parties, sports food and family structures these new immigrants were pushed towards accepting more liberal forms of democracy and away from the "undesirable ways" of communism.The book has rarely documented details of the effects of these policies on the displaced persons from Eastern Europe and also gives us the roots of state sanctioned muticulturalism , Canada's anti- communism stand and the effects of forced assimilation
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