Psychoanalysis and Religion

Fromm, Erich
Publisher:  Yale University Press
Year First Published:  {17640 Psychoanalysis and Religion PSYCHOANALYSIS AND RELIGION Fromm, Erich Yale University Press Fromm challenges the argument that religion and psychoanalysis are necessarily in conflict. He argues that both should be concerned with the search for higher spiritual goals and their attainmentment within society. 1950 1967 115pp BC17640-PsychoanalysisReligion.jpg B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Foreword <br>1. The Problem <br>2. Freud and Jung <br>3. An Analysis of Some Types of <br>4. Religious Experience <br>5. The Psychoanalyst as "Physician of the Soul" <br>6. Is Psychoanalysis a Threat to Religion? CX7592 1 false true false CX7592.htm [0xc00081a3f0 0xc00081a780 0xc0016306c0 0xc0016309f0 0xc001631a10 0xc001631fb0 0xc0020e7ad0] Cx}
Year Published:  1967
Pages:  115pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7592

Fromm challenges the argument that religion and psychoanalysis are necessarily in conflict. He argues that both should be concerned with the search for higher spiritual goals and their attainmentment within society.


Table of Contents

1. The Problem
2. Freud and Jung
3. An Analysis of Some Types of
4. Religious Experience
5. The Psychoanalyst as "Physician of the Soul"
6. Is Psychoanalysis a Threat to Religion?

Subject Headings

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