The Prophet Armed
Trotsky: 1879-1921, Volume 1
Deutscher, Isaac
Publisher: Vintage Books, New York, USA
Year First Published: {17627 The Prophet Armed PROPHET ARMED Trotsky: 1879-1921, Volume 1 Deutscher, Isaac Vintage Books New York USA Volume 1 of Deutscher's three-volume biography of Leon Trotsky, covering the period to 1921. 1954 1965 540pp BC17627s-ProphetArmed.jpg B Book -
<br>Table of Contents
<br>1. Home and School
<br>2. In Search of an Ideal
<br>3. At the Door of History
<br>4. An Intellectual Partnership
<br>5. Trotsky in 1905
<br>6. 'Permanent Revolution'
<br>7. The Doldrums: 1907 - 1914
<br>8. War and the International
<br>9. Trotsky in the October Revolution
<br>10. The People's Commisar
<br>11. The Drama of Brest Litovsk
<br>12. Arming the Republic
<br>13. Revolution and Conquest
<br>- Note on Trotsky's Military Writings
<br>14. Defeat in Victory
<br>Index CX7587 1 true true false CX7587.htm [] Cx}
Year Published: 1965
Pages: 540pp Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX7587
Volume 1 of Deutscher's three-volume biography of Leon Trotsky, covering the period to 1921.
Table of Contents
1. Home and School
2. In Search of an Ideal
3. At the Door of History
4. An Intellectual Partnership
5. Trotsky in 1905
6. 'Permanent Revolution'
7. The Doldrums: 1907 - 1914
8. War and the International
9. Trotsky in the October Revolution
10. The People's Commisar
11. The Drama of Brest Litovsk
12. Arming the Republic
13. Revolution and Conquest
- Note on Trotsky's Military Writings
14. Defeat in Victory