Monopoly Capital
An essay on American economic and social order

Baran, Paul A.; Sweezy, Paul M.
Publisher:  Modern Reader, New York, USA
Year First Published:  {16946 Monopoly Capital MONOPOLY CAPITAL An essay on American economic and social order Baran, Paul A.; Sweezy, Paul M. Modern Reader New York USA An analysis of American capitalism. 1966 1969 402pp BC16946s-MonopolyCapital.jpg B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Preface <br> <br>Introduction <br>The Giant Corporation <br>The Tendency of Surplus to Rise <br>The Absorption of Surplus: Capitalists' Consumption and Investment <br>The Absorption of Surplus: the Sales Effort <br>The Absorption of Surplus: Civilian Government <br>The Absorption of Surplus: Militarism and Imperialism <br>On the History of Monopoly Capitalism <br>Monopoly Capitalism and Race Relations <br>On the Quality of Monopoly Capitalist Society <br>The Irrational System <br>Appendix: Estimating the Economic Surplus by Joseph D. Phillips <br>Author Index <br>Subject Index <br> <br>List of Tables <br> <br>Selected Financial Data for Non-Financial Corporations, 1953-1962 <br>Investment Outflow and Income, 1950-1963 <br>Government Spending, 1903-1959 <br>Share of Corporate Profits in National Income <br>Government Spending, 1929-1957 <br>5a Government Spending, 1929-1939 <br>Subsidiaries of Standard Oil <br>Growth of Foreign and Domestic Manufacturing Sales and Merchandise Exports, 1957-1962 <br>Growth of Railroad Capital: Annual Averages <br>Pattern of Business Cycles, 1890-1914 <br>Unemployment, 1900-1963 <br>Capacity Utilization, 1920-1929 <br>Capacity Utilization, 1930-1939 <br>Profits and National Income, 1929-1938 <br>Capacity Utilization and Unemployment, 1950-1963 <br>Emigration of Negroes from Eleven Former Confederate States, 1870-1960 <br>White and Non-White Unemployment, 1940-1962 <br>Non-White Employment in Government, 1940-1962 <br>Elements of Profit Income and Economic Surplus <br>Estimates of Product Income of Unincorporated Business <br>Other Forms of Property Income <br>Surplus Absorption by Government <br>Total Economic Surplus and Its Major Components <br> <br> <br>List of Charts <br> <br>Hypothetical Profitability Schedule <br>U.S. Steel Corporation: Relationship between Operating Rate and Rate of Return on Stockholders' Investment, after Taxes, 1920-1940, 1947-1950, and 1953-1960 <br>Unemployment, 1900-1963 <br>Passenger Cars: Factory Sales and Registrations, 1911-1962 <br>Surplus as Percent of Gross National Product CX7522 1 false true false CX7522.htm [0xc0012973e0 0xc001297d70 0xc0014a1ce0 0xc001d8a990 0xc0022893e0 0xc0022b8420 0xc0024cc960 0xc000195890 0xc00030e690 0xc0003baf30 0xc00057a780 0xc00034eb10 0xc0003826f0 0xc000397260 0xc0003cff20 0xc0005ce9c0 0xc000071860 0xc0005f3800 0xc000ba8db0 0xc000c1d0b0 0xc0001edda0 0xc000aef620 0xc000eb0ff0 0xc000eb11a0 0xc001150cf0 0xc00123bf50 0xc001435bf0 0xc001aca180 0xc002046c30 0xc0013a6990 0xc0020e2750] Cx}
Year Published:  1969
Pages:  402pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7522

An analysis of American capitalism.


Table of Contents


The Giant Corporation
The Tendency of Surplus to Rise
The Absorption of Surplus: Capitalists' Consumption and Investment
The Absorption of Surplus: the Sales Effort
The Absorption of Surplus: Civilian Government
The Absorption of Surplus: Militarism and Imperialism
On the History of Monopoly Capitalism
Monopoly Capitalism and Race Relations
On the Quality of Monopoly Capitalist Society
The Irrational System
Appendix: Estimating the Economic Surplus by Joseph D. Phillips
Author Index
Subject Index

List of Tables

Selected Financial Data for Non-Financial Corporations, 1953-1962
Investment Outflow and Income, 1950-1963
Government Spending, 1903-1959
Share of Corporate Profits in National Income
Government Spending, 1929-1957
5a Government Spending, 1929-1939
Subsidiaries of Standard Oil
Growth of Foreign and Domestic Manufacturing Sales and Merchandise Exports, 1957-1962
Growth of Railroad Capital: Annual Averages
Pattern of Business Cycles, 1890-1914
Unemployment, 1900-1963
Capacity Utilization, 1920-1929
Capacity Utilization, 1930-1939
Profits and National Income, 1929-1938
Capacity Utilization and Unemployment, 1950-1963
Emigration of Negroes from Eleven Former Confederate States, 1870-1960
White and Non-White Unemployment, 1940-1962
Non-White Employment in Government, 1940-1962
Elements of Profit Income and Economic Surplus
Estimates of Product Income of Unincorporated Business
Other Forms of Property Income
Surplus Absorption by Government
Total Economic Surplus and Its Major Components

List of Charts

Hypothetical Profitability Schedule
U.S. Steel Corporation: Relationship between Operating Rate and Rate of Return on Stockholders' Investment, after Taxes, 1920-1940, 1947-1950, and 1953-1960
Unemployment, 1900-1963
Passenger Cars: Factory Sales and Registrations, 1911-1962
Surplus as Percent of Gross National Product

Subject Headings

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