Local Places In the Age of the Global City
Keil, Roger, Wekerle, Gerda R., Bell, David V.J. (eds.)
Publisher: Black Rose Books, Montreal, CanadaYear Published: 1996 Pages: 272pp Price: $19.99 ISBN: 1-551640-46-5 Library of Congress Number: HT155.L63 1995 Dewey: 307.1'216 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX7499 The contributors to Local Places look at the complex social, economic and political contexts of cities in the 1990s and suggest that cities and urbanity, while part of the problem, also need to be considered as part of the solution. Abstract: - Table of Contents Notes on Contributors Editors Foreword Introduction: Greasy Jungle Metropolis Noir Roger Keil Cities, Citizenship and Nature in the Age of the Global City Post-Fordist Citizenship: Struggling to be Born Jane Jenson Global City-Regions and Citizenship Engin F. Isin Globalization and Urban Restructuring World City Formation, Local Politics, and Sustainability Roger Keil Globalism, Urbanism and Critical Politics in the World City Graham Todd "Hamburg Goes Red-Grey" Patricia Peterson Reconstructing South Africa's Cities Robin Bloch Sustainability in Third Cities Urban Farming and City Planning: The Case of Kampala, Uganda Prabha Khosla Sustainability or Unsustainability: The Case of Marginal Urban Settlements in the City of Cali, Colombia Eduardo Garay Managing Sustainable Growth in Third World Cities Rene Parenteau Ecopolitics The North American Failure: The Governance of Regional Cities Gardner Church An Ecopolitics for Urban Sustainability Franz Hartmann Whose Sustainability? Ecology, Hegemonic Politics and the Future of the City Stefan Kipfer The Shaky Ground of Urban Sustainability: A Comment on Ecopolitics and Uncertainty Catriona Sandilands Social Movements Coding Tricksters and Theory-Making: Storying Social Movements Chris Cavanagh Reframing Urban Sustainability: Women's Movement Organizing and the Local State Gerda R. Wekerle From Social Bases to Subjectivities: The Case of Red Thread, Guyana Linda Joyce Peake Local Places-Global Action: Third World Urban NGOs Concerns and Program for Change Diana Lee-Smith Social Welfare in the Local State From the Politics of Homelessness to the Politics of the Homeless Susan Ruddick The Poverty Agenda John Clarke Issues of Social Equity and Access: The Case of Services of Abused Women Barbara Loevinger Rahder Ontario Welfare Reforms: A Workfare Approach Carlo Venczel-Rhody Urban Form Cities and Natural Process: Regional View Michael Hough Don Watershed Task Force Mark J. Wilson GreenBelt Frankfurt Sabine Husung and Peter G. Lieser The Link between Politics, Policies and Healthy City Form Edmund P. Fowler Sustainable Trade? Trade Liberalization, the Natural Environment and Cities Patricia E. Perkins Free Trade Offers "Free Space" for Connecting across Borders Deborah Barndt After Midas' Feast: Sustainable Alternatives to the Global Food Regime for the Future Harriet Friedmann Index Subject Headings