The Hite Report on Male Sexuality
How men feel about love, sex, and relationships

Hite, Shere
Publisher:  Ballantine Books, New York, USA
Year First Published:  {16293 The Hite Report on Male Sexuality HITE REPORT ON MALE SEXUALITY How men feel about love, sex, and relationships Hite, Shere Ballantine Books New York USA Research bases on a study of 7,000 American men. 1981 1982 1054pp BC16293s-HiteReportMale.jpg B Book 0-345-27069-X CX7460 1 false true false CX7460.htm [0xc00062a9f0 0xc000a8d5c0 0xc001f46330 0xc0020fbb90 0xc0003bd8f0 0xc0003e2c90 0xc0004184b0 0xc000452150 0xc0004527b0 0xc000480a80] Cx}
Year Published:  1982
Pages:  1054pp   ISBN:  0-345-27069-X
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7460

Research bases on a study of 7,000 American men.

Subject Headings

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