The History of American Trotskyism
From Its Origins (1928) to the Founding of the Socialists Workers Party (1938): Report of a Participant

Cannon, James P.
Publisher:  Pathfinder Press, New York, USA
Year First Published:  {16266 The History of American Trotskyism HISTORY OF AMERICAN TROTSKYISM From Its Origins (1928) to the Founding of the Socialists Workers Party (1938): Report of a Participant Cannon, James P. Pathfinder Press New York USA Trotskyist leader Cannon recounts the early history of the Trotskyist movement in the United States. 1944 1972 268pp BC16266-HistoryAmericanTrot.jpg B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>INTRODUCTION <br> <br> <br>LECTURE I <br> <br>The First Days of American Communism <br> <br>Trotskyism defined - Continuity of Marxist movement - Socialist Party - Influence of Russian revolution - Formation of Left Wing - Foreign Language Federations - Faction struggles - Two Communist Parties - Driven underground - Ultra-leftism - United Communist Party - Struggle for legality - Workers Party. <br> <br> <br>LECTURE II <br> <br>Factional Struggles In The Old Communist Party <br> <br>Ideological superiority of Communist Party - Trade union gains - Farmer-Labor Party adventure - Communist press - Labor defense - Factional struggles - Social composition - Consolidation of leadership - Role of Communist International - Origin of Trotskyist movement. <br> <br> <br>LECTURE III <br> <br>The beginning Of The Left Opposition <br> <br>Marxism vs. Stalinism - Russian Left Opposition - National narrow-mindedness of American Communists - Campaign against Trotskyism - Sixth World Congress - Cannon and Spector become Trotskyists - "Trial" and expulsion of Cannon, Shachtman and Abern - Appeal to party - Publication of the Militant - Growth of faction. <br> <br> <br>LECTURE IV <br> <br>The Left Opposition Under Fire <br> <br>Regeneration of American Communism - Propaganda by correspondence - Spector in Canada - Stalinist ostracism, slander, gangsterism - Appeal to Plenum of Central Committee of CP - Public meetings - Publication of Trotskyist Platform - First National Conference of left Opposition - Communist League of America launched. <br> <br> <br>LECTURE V <br> <br>The Dog Days Of The Left Opposition <br> <br>Program and tasks - Lovestone group - Russian question - Trade union question - A faction of the party and the Comintern - Albert Weisbord - Stalinist "left turn" - Isolation - "Lunatic fringe" - Factionalism - Publications - Poverty - Internationalism - "Tenacity! Tenacity! Tenacity!" <br> <br> <br>LECTURE VI <br> <br>The Break With The Comintern <br> <br>Internationalism - Unemployed work - Trade union work - German events - Capitulation of German Communist Party - Bankruptcy of Third International - Trends in Socialist Party - Conference for Progressive Labor Action - Turn to mass work - Sectarian opposition - American Workers Party Campaign for new party. <br> <br> <br>LECTURE VII <br> <br>The Turn To Mass Work <br> <br>What to do next? - Paterson strike - Hotel Workers Strike - B. J. Field - Minneapolis coal yard strike - Negotiations with American Workers Party - Lovestone-Cannon debate - Trotskyism on the march. <br> <br> <br>LECTURE VIII <br> <br>The Great Minneapolis Strikes <br> <br>Strike wave of 1934 - Auto-Lite strike in Toledo - Role of unemployed - Minneapolis truck-drivers strike - Bill Brown - "Organizing Committee" - Farrell Dobbs - "The Battle of Deputies Run" - July Strike - Federal mediators - Daily Organizer - Floyd Olson - Arrest of Cannon and Shachtman - Raid on strike headquarters - "Haas-Dunnigan Plan" - Victory. <br> <br> <br>LECTURE IX <br> <br>The Fusion With The Musteites <br> <br>Unity negotiations with American Workers Party - A. J. Muste - Salutsky (J. B. S. Hardman) - Louis Budenz - Ludwig Lore - Organizational concessions by League - "Declaration of Principles " - Plenum of Executive Committee of International Communist League in Paris - Visit to Trotsky - Oehler-Stamm opposition to "French turn" - Fusion of Communist League and American Workers Party - Workers Party launched. <br> <br> <br>LECTURE X <br> <br>The Struggle Against Sectarianism <br> <br>Socialist Party "Militants" - Pressure of Stalinists - Spanish experience - Oehlerites - Sacramento "criminal-syndicalism" trial - Active Workers Conference - Joseph Zack - Financial trouble - June (1935) Plenum - Abern clique - Oehler-Muste-Abern faction - October Plenum - Expulsion of Oehlerites. <br> <br> <br>LECTURE XI <br> <br>The "French Turn" in America <br> <br>Politics vs. organization - Split in Socialist Party - Negotiation with "Militants" - Conditions of entry - Convention of March 1936 - Stalinist agents in Allentown - Entry into Socialist Party. <br> <br> <br>LECTURE XII <br> <br>The Trotskyists In The Socialist Party <br> <br>Tendencies in SP - World situation - Spanish civil war - Moscow trials - French events - Trotsky Defense Committee - Socialist Party of California - Socialist Appeal - Labor Action - "Socialist Appeal Conference" - Prohibition of Socialist Appeal - "Gag" law - Expulsion of Trotskyist - "National Committee of Expelled Branches - Chicago convention - Socialist Workers Party launched. <br> <br> <br>INDEX CX7455 1 false true false CX7455.htm [0xc00104adb0 0xc001f7bd40] Cx}
Year Published:  1972
Pages:  268pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7455

Trotskyist leader Cannon recounts the early history of the Trotskyist movement in the United States.


Table of Contents



The First Days of American Communism

Trotskyism defined - Continuity of Marxist movement - Socialist Party - Influence of Russian revolution - Formation of Left Wing - Foreign Language Federations - Faction struggles - Two Communist Parties - Driven underground - Ultra-leftism - United Communist Party - Struggle for legality - Workers Party.


Factional Struggles In The Old Communist Party

Ideological superiority of Communist Party - Trade union gains - Farmer-Labor Party adventure - Communist press - Labor defense - Factional struggles - Social composition - Consolidation of leadership - Role of Communist International - Origin of Trotskyist movement.


The beginning Of The Left Opposition

Marxism vs. Stalinism - Russian Left Opposition - National narrow-mindedness of American Communists - Campaign against Trotskyism - Sixth World Congress - Cannon and Spector become Trotskyists - "Trial" and expulsion of Cannon, Shachtman and Abern - Appeal to party - Publication of the Militant - Growth of faction.


The Left Opposition Under Fire

Regeneration of American Communism - Propaganda by correspondence - Spector in Canada - Stalinist ostracism, slander, gangsterism - Appeal to Plenum of Central Committee of CP - Public meetings - Publication of Trotskyist Platform - First National Conference of left Opposition - Communist League of America launched.


The Dog Days Of The Left Opposition

Program and tasks - Lovestone group - Russian question - Trade union question - A faction of the party and the Comintern - Albert Weisbord - Stalinist "left turn" - Isolation - "Lunatic fringe" - Factionalism - Publications - Poverty - Internationalism - "Tenacity! Tenacity! Tenacity!"


The Break With The Comintern

Internationalism - Unemployed work - Trade union work - German events - Capitulation of German Communist Party - Bankruptcy of Third International - Trends in Socialist Party - Conference for Progressive Labor Action - Turn to mass work - Sectarian opposition - American Workers Party Campaign for new party.


The Turn To Mass Work

What to do next? - Paterson strike - Hotel Workers Strike - B. J. Field - Minneapolis coal yard strike - Negotiations with American Workers Party - Lovestone-Cannon debate - Trotskyism on the march.


The Great Minneapolis Strikes

Strike wave of 1934 - Auto-Lite strike in Toledo - Role of unemployed - Minneapolis truck-drivers strike - Bill Brown - "Organizing Committee" - Farrell Dobbs - "The Battle of Deputies Run" - July Strike - Federal mediators - Daily Organizer - Floyd Olson - Arrest of Cannon and Shachtman - Raid on strike headquarters - "Haas-Dunnigan Plan" - Victory.


The Fusion With The Musteites

Unity negotiations with American Workers Party - A. J. Muste - Salutsky (J. B. S. Hardman) - Louis Budenz - Ludwig Lore - Organizational concessions by League - "Declaration of Principles " - Plenum of Executive Committee of International Communist League in Paris - Visit to Trotsky - Oehler-Stamm opposition to "French turn" - Fusion of Communist League and American Workers Party - Workers Party launched.


The Struggle Against Sectarianism

Socialist Party "Militants" - Pressure of Stalinists - Spanish experience - Oehlerites - Sacramento "criminal-syndicalism" trial - Active Workers Conference - Joseph Zack - Financial trouble - June (1935) Plenum - Abern clique - Oehler-Muste-Abern faction - October Plenum - Expulsion of Oehlerites.


The "French Turn" in America

Politics vs. organization - Split in Socialist Party - Negotiation with "Militants" - Conditions of entry - Convention of March 1936 - Stalinist agents in Allentown - Entry into Socialist Party.


The Trotskyists In The Socialist Party

Tendencies in SP - World situation - Spanish civil war - Moscow trials - French events - Trotsky Defense Committee - Socialist Party of California - Socialist Appeal - Labor Action - "Socialist Appeal Conference" - Prohibition of Socialist Appeal - "Gag" law - Expulsion of Trotskyist - "National Committee of Expelled Branches - Chicago convention - Socialist Workers Party launched.


Subject Headings

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