50 Years of World Revolution
An International Symposium

Mandel, Ernest (ed.)
Publisher:  Pathfinder Press Inc., New York, USA
Year First Published:  {15837 50 Years of World Revolution FIFTY YEARS OF WORLD REVOLUTION An International Symposium Mandel, Ernest (ed.) Pathfinder Press Inc. New York USA An selection of essays from a Trotksyist perspective. 1968 1971 366pp B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Edited, with an Introduction and Article, by <br>Ernest Mandel <br> <br>Dedication <br>Introduction by Earnest Mandel <br> <br>1. Predictions of the Founders of Marxism on the Development of World Revolution <br>by Luis Vitale <br> <br>2. The Theory of Permanent Revolution <br>by Livio Maitan <br> <br>3. Three Phases of the Russian Revolution <br>by Sirio Di Giuliomaria <br> <br>4. The Rise and Fall of the Third International <br>by Ross Dowson <br> <br>5. The Tragedy of the German Proletariat <br>by Georg Jungclas <br> <br>6. The Chinese and Indochinese Revolutions <br>by Nahuel Moreno <br> <br>7. The Cuban Revolution and Its Lessons <br>by Hugo Gonzalez Moscoso <br> <br>8. The National Question and the Black Liberation Struggle in the United States <br>by George Breitman <br> <br>9. Is There a Third Way for the Third World? <br>by Sitaram B. Klope <br> <br>10. The Uneven Development of the World Revolutionary Process <br>by George Novack <br> <br>11. The Roots of Bureaucracy and Ways to Fight It <br>by Fernand Charlier <br> <br>12. Economics of the Transition Period <br>by Ernest Mandel <br> <br>13. Is Marxism-Leninism Obsolete? <br>by Joseph Hansen <br> <br>14. Necessity and Objective Roots of Proletarian Internationalism <br>by Pierre Frank <br> <br>15. The Vanguard Party and the World Revolution <br>by James P. Cannon <br> <br>The Intelligent Revolutionary's Guide to Marxism, in a Hundred Volumes <br>Notes on Contributors CX7421 1 false true false CX7421.htm [0xc0016932f0] Cx}
Year Published:  1971
Pages:  366pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7421

An selection of essays from a Trotksyist perspective.


Table of Contents

Edited, with an Introduction and Article, by
Ernest Mandel

Introduction by Earnest Mandel

1. Predictions of the Founders of Marxism on the Development of World Revolution
by Luis Vitale

2. The Theory of Permanent Revolution
by Livio Maitan

3. Three Phases of the Russian Revolution
by Sirio Di Giuliomaria

4. The Rise and Fall of the Third International
by Ross Dowson

5. The Tragedy of the German Proletariat
by Georg Jungclas

6. The Chinese and Indochinese Revolutions
by Nahuel Moreno

7. The Cuban Revolution and Its Lessons
by Hugo Gonzalez Moscoso

8. The National Question and the Black Liberation Struggle in the United States
by George Breitman

9. Is There a Third Way for the Third World?
by Sitaram B. Klope

10. The Uneven Development of the World Revolutionary Process
by George Novack

11. The Roots of Bureaucracy and Ways to Fight It
by Fernand Charlier

12. Economics of the Transition Period
by Ernest Mandel

13. Is Marxism-Leninism Obsolete?
by Joseph Hansen

14. Necessity and Objective Roots of Proletarian Internationalism
by Pierre Frank

15. The Vanguard Party and the World Revolution
by James P. Cannon

The Intelligent Revolutionary's Guide to Marxism, in a Hundred Volumes
Notes on Contributors

Subject Headings

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