![]() The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Malcolm, X
Publisher: Grove Press Inc., New York, USAYear First Published: {14565 The Autobiography of Malcolm X AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOLM X Malcolm, X Grove Press Inc. New York USA The personal story of the man who become the most dynamic leader of the Black Revolution in the United States, completed shortly before his assassination. 1964 1965 460pp BC14565-MalcolmX.jpg B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Introduction <br> <br>1. Nightmare <br>2. Mascot <br>3. "Homeboy" <br>4. Laura <br>5. Harlemite <br>6. Detroit Red <br>7. Hustler <br>8. Trapped <br>9. Caught <br>10. Satan <br>11. Saved <br>12. Savior <br>13. Minister Malcolm X <br>14. Black Muslims <br>15. Icarus <br>16. Out <br>17. Mecca <br>18. El-Haff Malik / El-Shabazz <br>19. 1965 <br> <br>Alex Haley: Epilogue <br>Ossie Davis: On Malcolm X CX7309 1 true true false CX7309.htm [0xc00149e480 0xc0003357a0 0xc0003d31a0 0xc000528150] Cx} Year Published: 1965 Pages: 460pp Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX7309 The personal story of the man who become the most dynamic leader of the Black Revolution in the United States, completed shortly before his assassination. Abstract: - Table of Contents Introduction 1. Nightmare 2. Mascot 3. "Homeboy" 4. Laura 5. Harlemite 6. Detroit Red 7. Hustler 8. Trapped 9. Caught 10. Satan 11. Saved 12. Savior 13. Minister Malcolm X 14. Black Muslims 15. Icarus 16. Out 17. Mecca 18. El-Haff Malik / El-Shabazz 19. 1965 Alex Haley: Epilogue Ossie Davis: On Malcolm X Subject Headings |