Nature of Economies

Jacobs, Jane
Publisher:  Vintage Canada, Toronto, Canada
Year First Published:  {14333 Nature of Economies NATURE OF ECONOMIES Jacobs, Jane Vintage Canada Toronto Canada Jacobs argues that since human beings exist wholly within nature as part of natural order in every respect, we should look to the processes of nature for vibrant and flexible models of economic planning. 2000 2001 190pp $29.95 BC14333-NatureOfEconomies.jpg B Book 0-679-31096-7 HD75.6.J31 2001 330 In the aptly titled "The Nature of Economies," Jane Jacobs explains the parallels between laws of nature and laws of economics. Jacob's thesis and counter-arguments are presented in a discussion between five friends, each from a different academic background. They explore ideas surrounding the environment, social equality, sustainability, co-operation, economic collapse, fitness for survival and unpredictability. <br> <br>In an effort to facilitate sustainable development, workers have begun to create manufacturing processes that mimic nature, rather than control it. Jacobs argues that economists should emulate this technique and respect 'natural laws' that govern trade. Co-developments between sectors are important features of healthy economies and are more likely to emerge when economists adhere to these guidelines. <br> <br>Jacobs proposes that examining how developments coexist sheds light on why some economies thrive and others falter. The idea of import substitution is particularly central; this occurs when cities create local replacements for products that were previously imported. If the settlement contains no natural co-developments for these new systems, an individual business will not mesh with its surroundings and will likely fail. <br> <br>This book also examines the ways in which inequality and oppression weaken economies. Workers are likely to have great insights about how their work can be improved, but are often separated from the decision-making process. The author argues for equality based on both social and economic grounds. <br> <br>Fitness for survival is based upon having both the capacity to compete and breed and having a habitat in which to do so. In the past, efforts to predict the future have involved shaping it via expensive technology or solutions that rarely address the core issues. In contrast, Jacobs suggests that we simply 'make ourselves up as we go along' and surrender the idea that it is possible to accurately predict human nature. <br> <br>This book is humourous and accessible to anyone with an interest in economics, ecology and social equality. <br> <br> <br>[abstract by Heather Skelton] <br> <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Foreword <br> <br>Damn, Another Ecologist <br>The Nature of Development <br>The Nature of Expansion <br>The Nature of Self-Refuelling <br>Evading Collapse <br>The Double Nature of Fitness for Survival <br>Unpredictability <br>Armbruster's Promise <br> <br>Epilogue <br>Notes <br>Acknowledgements <br>Index CX7285 1 false true false CX7285.htm [0xc000c914a0 0xc000ca4270 0xc000cd6120 0xc000f99350 0xc000fd8150 0xc001215230 0xc001256480 0xc0013c3050 0xc0014334a0 0xc0014b1140 0xc001d08f60 0xc001e7dfb0 0xc0000faba0 0xc000122bd0 0xc0001ae480 0xc0001aeed0 0xc0001af650 0xc000292ba0 0xc000234ab0 0xc000234c60 0xc000246d50 0xc000301f20 0xc00035a3c0 0xc000384510 0xc000398a80 0xc000399a10 0xc0003a9770 0xc0003c2d50 0xc0003d9a70 0xc0003f8210 0xc0001b0090 0xc000344210 0xc000210930 0xc0002ee2a0 0xc0004e1c20 0xc000bd7470 0xc0002cc4e0 0xc001165320 0xc001414c00 0xc0011da4b0 0xc000d80840 0xc00129f3e0 0xc0013060c0 0xc0013cbe90 0xc0020389f0 0xc0025d1da0 0xc002673f80] Cx}
Year Published:  2001
Pages:  190pp   Price:  $29.95   ISBN:  0-679-31096-7
Library of Congress Number:  HD75.6.J31 2001   Dewey:  330
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7285

Jacobs argues that since human beings exist wholly within nature as part of natural order in every respect, we should look to the processes of nature for vibrant and flexible models of economic planning.

In the aptly titled "The Nature of Economies," Jane Jacobs explains the parallels between laws of nature and laws of economics. Jacob's thesis and counter-arguments are presented in a discussion between five friends, each from a different academic background. They explore ideas surrounding the environment, social equality, sustainability, co-operation, economic collapse, fitness for survival and unpredictability.

In an effort to facilitate sustainable development, workers have begun to create manufacturing processes that mimic nature, rather than control it. Jacobs argues that economists should emulate this technique and respect 'natural laws' that govern trade. Co-developments between sectors are important features of healthy economies and are more likely to emerge when economists adhere to these guidelines.

Jacobs proposes that examining how developments coexist sheds light on why some economies thrive and others falter. The idea of import substitution is particularly central; this occurs when cities create local replacements for products that were previously imported. If the settlement contains no natural co-developments for these new systems, an individual business will not mesh with its surroundings and will likely fail.

This book also examines the ways in which inequality and oppression weaken economies. Workers are likely to have great insights about how their work can be improved, but are often separated from the decision-making process. The author argues for equality based on both social and economic grounds.

Fitness for survival is based upon having both the capacity to compete and breed and having a habitat in which to do so. In the past, efforts to predict the future have involved shaping it via expensive technology or solutions that rarely address the core issues. In contrast, Jacobs suggests that we simply 'make ourselves up as we go along' and surrender the idea that it is possible to accurately predict human nature.

This book is humourous and accessible to anyone with an interest in economics, ecology and social equality.

[abstract by Heather Skelton]

Table of Contents


Damn, Another Ecologist
The Nature of Development
The Nature of Expansion
The Nature of Self-Refuelling
Evading Collapse
The Double Nature of Fitness for Survival
Armbruster's Promise


Subject Headings

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