News from Nowhere
or An Epoch of Rest: Being Some Chapters From a Utopian Romance

Morris, William
Publisher:  Commonweal
Year First Published:  {14006 News from Nowhere NEWS FROM NOWHERE or An Epoch of Rest: Being Some Chapters From a Utopian Romance Morris, William Commonweal A utopian novel by William Morris which combines a vision of working class revolution with a picture of a society that is primarily agricultural and based on handicraft production. 1890 1892 BL0989-WilliamMorris.jpg B Book CX7173 0 true true false CX7173.htm [0xc002651bc0 0xc002664f60] Cx}
Year Published:  1892
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7173

A utopian novel by William Morris which combines a vision of working class revolution with a picture of a society that is primarily agricultural and based on handicraft production.

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