
Guerin, Daniel
Publisher:  Monthly Review Press
Year First Published:  {12029 Anarchism ANARCHISM Guerin, Daniel Monthly Review Press Guerin sets out to describe the main themes of anarchist thought. 1965 1970 166pp B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Introduction by Noam Chomsky <br> <br>Preface <br> <br>Part 1 - The Basic Ideas of Anarchism <br>A Matter of Words <br>A Visceral Revolt <br>Horror of the State <br>Hostility to Bourgeois Democracy <br>Critique of Authoritarian Socialism <br>Sources of Inspiration: The Individual <br>Sources of Inspiration: The Masses <br> <br>Part 2 - In Search of a New Society <br>Anarchism is Not Utopian <br>The Need for Organization <br>Self-Management <br>The Bases of Exchange <br>Competition <br>Centralization and Planning <br>Complete Socialization? <br>Trade Unions <br>The Communes <br>The Disputed Term "State" <br>How Should the Public Services Be Managed? <br>Federalism <br>Internationalism <br>Decolonization <br> <br>Part 3 - Anarchism in Revolutionary Practice <br>1880-1914 <br>Anarchism Becomes Isolated from the Working-Class Movement <br>Social-Democratic Condemnation of Anarchism <br>Anarchists in the Trade Unions <br>Anarchism in the Russian Revolution <br>A Libertarian Revolution <br>An Authoritarian Revolution <br>The Part Played by the Anarchists <br>The Maknovtchina <br>Kronstadt <br>Anarchism Living an Dead <br>Anarchism in the Italian Factory Councils <br>Anarchism in the Spanish Revolution <br>The Soviet Mirage <br>The Anarchists in Government <br>Self-Management in Agriculture <br>Self-Management in Industry <br>Self-Management Undermined <br> <br>By Way of Conclusion <br> <br>Postscript: May 1968 <br> <br>Bibliography CX6169 1 false true false CX6169.htm [0xc000f22c60 0xc000fbd7d0] Cx}
Year Published:  1970
Pages:  166pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX6169

Guerin sets out to describe the main themes of anarchist thought.


Table of Contents

Introduction by Noam Chomsky


Part 1 - The Basic Ideas of Anarchism
A Matter of Words
A Visceral Revolt
Horror of the State
Hostility to Bourgeois Democracy
Critique of Authoritarian Socialism
Sources of Inspiration: The Individual
Sources of Inspiration: The Masses

Part 2 - In Search of a New Society
Anarchism is Not Utopian
The Need for Organization
The Bases of Exchange
Centralization and Planning
Complete Socialization?
Trade Unions
The Communes
The Disputed Term "State"
How Should the Public Services Be Managed?

Part 3 - Anarchism in Revolutionary Practice
Anarchism Becomes Isolated from the Working-Class Movement
Social-Democratic Condemnation of Anarchism
Anarchists in the Trade Unions
Anarchism in the Russian Revolution
A Libertarian Revolution
An Authoritarian Revolution
The Part Played by the Anarchists
The Maknovtchina
Anarchism Living an Dead
Anarchism in the Italian Factory Councils
Anarchism in the Spanish Revolution
The Soviet Mirage
The Anarchists in Government
Self-Management in Agriculture
Self-Management in Industry
Self-Management Undermined

By Way of Conclusion

Postscript: May 1968


Subject Headings

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