Adventures of the Dialectic
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Publisher: Northernwestern University PressYear First Published: {12013 Adventures of the Dialectic ADVENTURES OF THE DIALECTIC Merleau-Ponty, Maurice Northernwestern University Press 1955 1973 BC12013s-AdventuresDialectic.jpg B Book 0-8101-0404-0 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Translator's Introduction <br>Acknowledgments <br>Preface <br>1. The Crisis of Understanding <br>2. "Western" Marxism <br>3. Pravda <br>4. The Dialectic in Action <br>5. Sartre and Ultrabolshevism <br>6. Epilogue <br>Index CX6153 1 false true false CX6153.htm [0xc0000b4300 0xc002643350] Cx} Year Published: 1973 ISBN: 0-8101-0404-0 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX6153 Abstract: - Table of Contents Translator's Introduction Acknowledgments Preface 1. The Crisis of Understanding 2. "Western" Marxism 3. Pravda 4. The Dialectic in Action 5. Sartre and Ultrabolshevism 6. Epilogue Index Subject Headings |