Different Loving
An exploration of the world of sexual dominance and submission

Brame, G., Grame, W., Jacobs, J.
Publisher:  Villard Books, USA
Year First Published:  {466 Different Loving DIFFERENT LOVING An exploration of the world of sexual dominance and submission Brame, G., Grame, W., Jacobs, J. Villard Books USA Explores and demystifies the worlds of BDSM, sexual power relationships, and fetishism. 1993 1996 B Book CX5942 0 false true false CX5942.htm [0xc000de8990 0xc0002798f0 0xc000361e90] Cx}
Year Published:  1996
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX5942

Explores and demystifies the worlds of BDSM, sexual power relationships, and fetishism.

Subject Headings

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