Spunk Library

Publisher:  Spunk Collective
Year First Published:  {11421 Spunk Library SPUNK LIBRARY http://www.spunk.org/ http://www.connexions.org/CxArchive/SpunkArchive/index.html http://j12.org/spunk/ Spunk Collective The Spunk Library featured literature with an emphasis on anarchism and related issues. The content has not been updated since 2002, but the materials assembled to that point are still perserved online. <br>There is an archive/mirror site at http://www.connexions.org/CxArchive/SpunkArchive/index.html 1992 2002 WWW Website CX5911 0 false true false CX5911.htm [0xc000865320 0xc000facc00 0xc00056e600 0xc0011aef30] Cx}
Year Published:  2002
Resource Type:  Website
Cx Number:  CX5911

The Spunk Library featured literature with an emphasis on anarchism and related issues. The content has not been updated since 2002, but the materials assembled to that point are still perserved online.
There is an archive/mirror site at http://www.connexions.org/CxArchive/SpunkArchive/index.html

Subject Headings

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