Tips for Getting the most from E-mail
Hilder, Yvonne
http://www.sources.com/SSR/Docs/HL1403-EMailTips.htmPublisher: Sources, Toronto, Canada Year First Published: {103 Tips for Getting the most from E-mail TIPS FOR GETTING THE MOST FROM E-MAIL Hilder, Yvonne http://www.sources.com/SSR/Docs/HL1403-EMailTips.htm Sources Toronto Canada The E-mail I receive from journalists seeking assistance with their research and from organizations listed with Sources is often puzzling. Many messages are unaddressed, unsigned and written in haste. Some queries require detective work before I can send a proper response. 1996 2000 ART Article CX5881 0 false true false CX5881.htm [0xc00035af30 0xc00056e6f0] Cx} Year Published: 2000 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX5881 The E-mail I receive from journalists seeking assistance with their research and from organizations listed with Sources is often puzzling. Many messages are unaddressed, unsigned and written in haste. Some queries require detective work before I can send a proper response. Subject Headings |