Inventing Tax Rage (excerpt)
Misinformation in the National Post
Patriquin, Larry
Date Written: 2004-03-06
Publisher: Fernwood Publishing, Halifax, Canada
Year First Published: {11150 Inventing Tax Rage (excerpt) INVENTING TAX RAGE EXCERPT Misinformation in the National Post Patriquin, Larry Fernwood Publishing Halifax Canada The propaganda campaign to invent "tax rage". 2004-03-06 2004 2005 190pp BC11150-InventingTaxRagen.jpg B Book 1-55266-146-6 PN4919.T63N38 CX5345 1 false true false CX5345.htm [0xc00139ccf0 0xc0014f2c30 0xc00158f3e0 0xc0015d6570] Cx}
Year Published: 2005
Pages: 190pp ISBN: 1-55266-146-6
Library of Congress Number: PN4919.T63N38Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX5345
The propaganda campaign to invent "tax rage".
Subject Headings