Green Business: Hope or Hoax?
Toward an Authentic Strategy for Restoring the Earth

Plant, Christopher, Plant, Judith
Publisher:  New Soceity Publishers/New Catalyst Bioregional Series
Year Published:  1991
Pages:  136pp   Price:  $9.95   ISBN:  1-55092-147-9
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX4566

Is green business a viable strategy or a contradiction in terms?


Table of Contents

1. Green Business In a Gray World: Can It Be Done? An Introduction
Christopher Plant with David H. Albert

Part One: Riding the Green Bandwagon
2. A Bill of Goods? Green Consuming In Perspective Lynn Dodd and Andre Carothers
-The Degradable Plastics Scam A Greenpeace Report
-Dolphin-Safe Tuna: Fact or Fish Story Roberta Olenick
3. Beyond Green Consumerism Sandy Irvine
-Surviving The Green Nineties: Becoming A Corporation With An Environmental Conscience A Conference Prospectus from the Institute for International Research
4. The Greening of International Finance Brian Tokar
-The New Environmental Investment Funds: Cashing In, Or Cleaning Up? Susan Meeker-Lowry
5. Endorsing Green Capitalism: Should Environmental Groups Get Into Bed With Business? Wayne Ellwood
-Greening The Boardrooms Eric Mann
6. Marketing The Environment Brian Tokar
7. Environmental Democracy Is The Planet's Best Hope Barry Commoner
8. The Trouble With Earth Day Kirkpatrick Sale
9. How Green Is Your Company? A Corporate Green Rating Guy Dauncey

Part Two: Making A Living, Or "Living A Making?"
-50 Difficult Things You Can Do To Save The Earth Gar Smith
10. Bursting The Bottle: Soap Selling For The 90's Randy Hooper
11. Seikatsu: Japanese Housewives Organize Shigeki Maruyama
- What Is Money? Alan AtKisson
12. The Voluntary Green Tax David Albert
13. Deli Dollars, Trash Cash and Local Loans An Interview with Susan Witt
-Bioregional Economics The E.F. Schumacher Society
14. Community-Supported Agriculture Alyssa Lovell
15. Amish Economics Gene Logsdon
16. Wildwood: A Forest for the Future Ruth Loomis and Merv Wilkinson
17. Land Trusts: An Alternative To Land Ownership Betty Didoct
18. Living Machines: Transforming Cape Cod's "Septage" An interview with John Todd, by David Cayley
19. Free Cities At Work David Morris

Subject Headings

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