People Patterns

Sauve, Roger
Publisher:  Western Producer Prairie Books
Year Published:  1990
Pages:  149pp   Price:  $16.95   ISBN:  ISBN 0888333412
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX4527

In this informative reference on the current make-up of Canadian society, Roger Sauve, economist, demographer, corporate planner and journalist presents statistical information on relevant demographic and socio-economic issues. The material presented includes current male and female trends for specific age groups and income categories on topics such as the labour market, family dynamics and education.
The implications of each trend are discussed following an easy-to-read narrative explanation of the technical information presented. In its predictions about Canadian society, the reader may compare herself with the rest of the population and prepare for expected changes in areas of interest.
Each of the fifty-seven people patterns has charts on a facing page making the book well-organized and easy to access information.

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