The Shopping Mall
A Visit to North America's Cathedrals of Consumerism
Publisher: Compass
Year Published: 1991
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX4274
The January/February 1991 issue of Compass is a theme issue on "The Shopping Mall: A visit to North America's cathedrals of consumerism". Brian Banks writes about how more and more public functions are being diverted to privately owned space: shopping malls, while Joyce Nelson, Sarah Chodos, and Jim Romahn give their impressions and analyses of malls in a section entitled "A Walk through the Shopping Mall." Susan Lussier writes about living more simply, while Jacinta Goveau writes about the lessons immigrants learn. Compass, 10 Saint Mary Street, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1P9; Subscriptions $19/year, individual issue $3.50.
Subject Headings