Transnational Corporations and Labor
A Directory of Resources

Fenton, Thomas P.; Heffron, Mary (edited by)
Publisher:  Orbis Books
Year Published:  1990
Pages:  160pp   Price:  $9.95   ISBN:  ISBN 0-88344-635-9
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX4271

This is a comprehensive resource directory of materials on organizations and resources on international labour and transnational corporations. It is an invaluable networking tool for activists in the First and Third Worlds, providing information on how to learn about the labour movements in the Third World, how to support them, and how they can seek support.
The book's primary concern is with the impact of transnational corporations -- "corporations engaged in industrial production in two or more countries" -- on Third World countries, but also on individuals and communities in their home countries (e.g. in the case of plant closing).
It is packed with complete descriptive and ordering information for unique and ground-breaking organizations, books, periodicals, and audiovisual material that promote an alternative political orientation and progressive labour approach to the internationalization of most countries' economies.
The book's wide array of topics include: "foreign investment, industrial development, plant shutdowns, international debt, the international labour movement, women workers, the international division of labour, working conditions in factories owned and operated by transnational corporations, nuclear energy, production and use of pesticides and other chemicals, export processing zones, the export to Third World countries of hazardous products, international migration for work purposes, and slavery".
This book is the first in a twelve-volume series of resource guides dedicated to promoting alternative points of view on Third World affairs and to opposing foreign military and economic intervention in the Third World. The series will also promote the education/action resources of Third World-related organizations in a "sustained, focused, and professional manner" and serve as comprehensive guides for researchers and organizers in the Third World. Finally, the editors hope to direct "concerned citizens in First World countries to the books, periodicals, audiovisuals, and other resources they need to study in order to take informed and effective action to correct injustices in the ways their governments and businesses treat Third World nations and people".

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