The free trade disaster: round two

Barlow, Maude
Publisher:  Council of Canadians, Ottawa, Canada
Year First Published:  {9103 The free trade disaster: round two FREE TRADE DISASTER: ROUND TWO Barlow, Maude Council of Canadians Ottawa Canada Standards are being pulled down to the lowest common denominator, allowing the transnational corporations to play countries and their workforces off against each other. Already, workers in Canada are being warned that if they don't pull their wages and other demands down, workers in Mexico will be only too glad to take their jobs. 1990 1991 1pp BL0961-MaudeBarlow.jpg ART Article CX4168 1 false true false CX4168.htm [0xc00170b770 0xc0005af2f0 0xc0005c9050] Cx}
Year Published:  1991
Pages:  1pp   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX4168

Standards are being pulled down to the lowest common denominator, allowing the transnational corporations to play countries and their workforces off against each other. Already, workers in Canada are being warned that if they don't pull their wages and other demands down, workers in Mexico will be only too glad to take their jobs.

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