Ethnocultural Directory of Canada 1990/Repertoire Ethnoculturel du Canada

Bathalon, Real ; Lemieux, Nathalie (Compiled by)
Publisher:  Monchanin Cross-Cultural Centre
Year Published:  1989
Pages:  248pp   Price:  $40.00   ISBN:  ISBN 0-920719-10-4
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX3966

This is a directory of 240 `ethnocultural' groups in Canada (the majority of them in Quebec), grouped under the following headings: Asia, North Africa, Africa, Europe, Latin America, Multiculturalism, International education, Immigration, Work, Health, Justice, Women, and Education. The listings include names, addresses, phone numbers, history and date founded, languages used, type of activities, goals, and publications. There are several indices: an index of organizations, of initials, of contact people, of fields of intervention, of working languages, and of periodicals.
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