Occupational Health Congress

Year First Published:  {8584 Occupational Health Congress OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CONGRESS 1989 1990 ART Article The 23rd International Congress on Occupational Health will take place in Montreal September 22 - 28, 1990. For more information contact OCOH Secretariat, 58, rue de Bresoles, Montreal H2Y 1V5, (514) 499-9835. CX3611 0 false true false CX3611.htm [] Cx}
Year Published:  1990
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX3611

The 23rd International Congress on Occupational Health will take place in Montreal September 22 - 28, 1990. For more information contact OCOH Secretariat, 58, rue de Bresoles, Montreal H2Y 1V5, (514) 499-9835.
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