El Salvador
Year Published: 1989Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX3588 Abstract: In response to the current violence in El Salvador, the Latin American Working Group is asking Canadians to send a telex, letter, or fax to External Minister Joe Clark, urging the Canadian government to: 1) Press for serious negotiations, through direct bilateral contacts with both the FMLN and the Christiani government, and through multilateral initiatives at the UN and the OAS; 2) Press for an end to U.S. military aid for the government of El Salvador; 3) Not renew Canadian bilateral aid to El Salvador until a negotiated peace is achieved. Write: Joe Clark, Secretary of State for External Affairs, 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Fax: (613) 992-6474. The Latin American Working Group, which has more information on events in El Salvador, can be contacted at P.O. Box 2207, Station P, Toronto M5S 2T2, (416) 533-4221. Subject Headings |