Plant breeder's rights

Year Published:  1989
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX3583

Environmental groups are opposing federal legislation (Bill C-15) establishing "plant breeders' rights". The legislation permits corporations to patent and own particular plants and seeds. Environmentalists object in principle to the idea that anyone can own or patent a living species. They also say that the legislation will lead to a dangerous loss of genetic diversity, with only a few highly marketable species of plants being kept and others being allowed to disappear. The species being retained require high levels of fertilizer and pesticides. GROW, the coalition of groups opposing the legislation, is asking people to contact MPs, the Prime Minister, Agriculture Minister Don Mazankowski, and the media. For information contact GROW, 750-130 Slater St., Ottawa K1P 4E2, (613) 594-8700.
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