Book Marketing Opportunities
A Database

Kremer, John
Publisher:  Ad-Lib Publications, Fairfield IA 52556-1102 USA, USA
Year Published:  1987
Price:  $249.00   ISBN:  0-912411-12-0
Resource Type:  Database
Cx Number:  CX3344

These two resources, a directory, and a database which contains the information in the directory, are aimed at book publishers, especially smaller and independent publishers. While they are not directed at non-profit organizations, they do contain material of value to non-profits which produce and sell printed and other materials, or even those which are interested in finding publicity outlets. Book Marketing Opportunities is an American publication, so most of the listings are American, but some Canadian ones do make it in (Connexions does, for example). Probably most useful for Canadian non-profits would be the listings of publicity and public relations services, the listings of publicity and marketing directories, the listings of magazines, newspapers, radio and TV stations, as well as the bibliography.
The database is designed to enable users to have the information in the directory on computer, to use in doing mailings, planning publicity, and keeping records. The data base program has a number of valuable aspects which would make it a powerful tool for someone directing a substantial amount of publicity at the U.S. Canadian users, however, would find it hard to justify the expense. Too bad.

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