Resource/Reading List 1987
Verrall, Catherine, in consultation with Keeshig-Tobias, Lenore
Publisher: Cdn. Alliance in Solidarity with Native Peoples, CanadaYear Published: 1987 Pages: 112pp Price: $7 ISBN: 0-921425-01-5 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX3314 Abstract: This is an excellent resource for anyone, Native or non-Native, who wishes to know more about Native people and current issues relating to Native people. The criteria for selection state that priority was "given to resources in which Native people have had decision-making involvement, particularly as author, publisher, or producer. Non-Native authors are included if their work is considered to be accurate, sensitive to Native points of view, non-stereotyped, and useful." The first section lists materials for children and elementary schools, although the introduction notes that age divisions are to be taken as guideline, not rigidly. The second section lists teaching resources, and the third books for youth and adults. Resources include books, art, film music. Also listed are Native periodicals, Native publishers, and other publishers and sources. The entries are accompanied by brief but helpful annotaitons. Items are coded to indicate age level, and type of Native invovlement in producing the item. An alphabetical index is included. Subject Headings |