1987 Directory of the Arts
Publisher: Canadian Conference of the Arts, CanadaYear Published: 1987 Pages: 364pp Price: $21.95 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX3269 Abstract: The Directory of the Arts bills itself as " a key to the labyrinth of Canada's arts and cultural organizations, funding bodies, government agencies, departments and committtees." Part 1 lists government departments and agencies dividing these into federal government departments, agencies, and cultural agencies, provincial departments and agencies, and miscellaneous government listings. Part 2 lists national arts associations, under the section headings of broadcasting, copyright, crafts, dance, education, film, heritage/cultural, mulitidisciplinary, music, publishing, recording, theatre, visual and applied arts, and writing. Part 3 lists community arts councils province by province. The listings are detailed and useful. The mandate of government bodies is described, and key officials and contact people and their addresses and telephone numbers are provided. Associaiton listings give information about history, aims, structure, activities, membership, meetings, and pulbications. There is no inde, but there is a detailed table of contents. Subject Headings |