A Look At The Reality Behind The Rhetoric of Normalization Organization profile published 1987
Year Published: 1987 Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX3250
Abstract: Workers for Social Responsibility say that "the provincial government is dismantling the delivery of human services to the people of Ontario." A LOOK AT THE REALITY says that "A cutback is a cutback by any other name. In the field of services to mentally and physically disabled people, cutbacks go under the names of de-institutionalzation, divestment, integration, transfer, privatization. All these words mean that the government gets off the hook for any direct responsibility for provision of services to the less advantaged." Although the concerns raised in this paper first emerged in response to the policies of Ontario's former Progressive Conservative government, the trend of dumping disadvantaged people and disabled people to fend for themselves without adequate resources is a common one throughout Canada udner a range of different administrations.
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