Making Waves: The Grindstone Story

MacAdam, Murray
Publisher:  Grindstone Co-op, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1984
Pages:  40pp   ISBN:  0-9691660-0-1
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX3220

This book was undertaken with federal grants and financial assistance from the Kingsmaill family, the original owners of Grindstone. It summarizes the history of the island, once a stopping place for the elite of the Ottawa area, now a meeting pleace for peace and social change activists. The narrative is broken into eras of history, which are quite natural breaks for the story. The Kingsmills bequeathed the island to the Quakers, who began to hold conferences for peace. Gradually, the programs held in the summer months as a manner of raising income became more varied and meaningful. The island is now co-operatively owned and operated.
Strung throughout the text are a number of quotations from past members, and people whose lives were touched by Grindstone in some way, adding a sesne of history.
The book is available through Grindstone, and would be of interest to groups or individuals interested in the co-operativ movement or in virtually any aspect of social change.

See also CX2945.

Subject Headings
