The Facts: Special Peace Issue

Year Published:  1986
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX3170

This "Peace Primer" presents an overview of the arms race from an international and in a Canadian perspective. Among the topics taken up are military versus social spending, cruise missile testing, arms exports, and human rights, superpower military intervention, and proposals for peacekeeping and peacemaking.

Canada is ranked among the top 20 world military spenders per capita, with a military budget rising between 13 and 30 per cent annually. The argument that military spending creates jobs is confronted with the reality that spending in other areas such as housing or social services produces far more jobs. And the argument that military spending produces security is contrasted with the reality of the extreme danger into which the arms race has thrust us.

This special issue of THE FACTS, produced by CUPE's research department with help from Operation Dismantle, argues for turning arms spending to social uses. It also advocates international development assistnace to help remove the inequaility and exploitation which undermines world stability.

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