![]() A Shared Experience: Bridging Cultures, Resources For Cross-Cultural Training
Publisher: London Cross Cultural Learner Centre, LondonYear Published: 1983 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX3150 A manual about immigrants and their adjustments to a new environment, addressed primarily to community workers who respond to the needs of immigrants. Abstract: A SHARED EXPERIENCE: BRIDGING CULTRUES is a manual about immigrants and their adjustments to a new environment. It is addressed primarily to community workers - social workers, counsellors, nurses, teachers, police, etc. - who respond to the needs of immigrants. But its resources are also useful for other cross-cultural training. Encouraging cross-cultural awareness and sensitivity and challenging participants to examine their cultural values and preconceived notions about other cultures are key objectives. Based on Canadian examples, the manual contains sections on: the immigrant and the adjustment process, values and assumptions, communications, case studies, and strategies for change. Table of Contents: Introduction Notes to the Facilitator Introduction A. Developing Frames of Reference B. Preparing for Group Sessions Techniques for Use in Group Sessions Programme Planning Guide IMMIGRATION: PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT Introduction Cultural Frames of Reference Item 1 - Mapping Item 2 - Cultural Knowledge : Quiz Item 3 - Adaptability of Cultures Item 4 - Assumptions Item 5 - Values Item 6 - Role Stereotyping COMMUNICATION : VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL Introduction Cross Cultural Communication Item 1 - Role Play: Ambassador's Game Item 2 - How Big is My bubble Item 3 - Time and Timing Item 4 - Body Language Item 5 - Situations and Dialogue Item 6 - Role Play: To Walk With Dignity Item 7 - Non-Verbal Communication: Checklist Item 8 - Intonation in Communication CASE STUDIES Introduction The Counselling Process The Family : A Culture in Transition Women Men The Adolescent The Elderly Case Studies Item 1 - Picture Drama : Nguyen Family Item 2 - Case Study : Zenaida Item 3 - Case Study : Thakane Item 4 - Cases : If This Were Mine. . . BUILDING BRIDGES Introduction Impact of Transition Item 1 - Poster : Worker and Agency Item 2 - Racism Item 3 - Community Outreach Strategies to Combat Prejudice and Racism BIBLIOGRAPHY Subject Headings |