A New Weave
Popular Education in Canada and Central America
Arnold, Rick; Barndt, Deborah; Burke, Bev
Publisher: CUSO Development Education, Ottawa, Canada
Year Published: 1986
Price: $5 Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX3149
A resource for educators working for social change in community groups, trade unions, churches, the peace movement, women's groups, international development organizations, Central American and other solidarity networks.
A New Weave begins with a look at the history of Canadian education and organizing work since the turn of the century, followed by a brief description of popular education in the Central American context. The second section selects four ideas or designs from Central America and reworkds them for Canada. The final section focuses on educators' tasks in Canada.
A New Weave is designed as a resource for educators working for social change in community groups, trade unions, churches, the peace movement, women's groups, international development organizations, Central American and other solidarity networks.
Deborah Barndt has worked extensively with popular educators in Nicaragua. Bev Burke and Rick Arnold have worked with CUSO in Central America and have produced several slide shows.
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