
Year Published:  1986
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX3130

WOMENSKILLS is committed to research, education and employment projects that promote a better understanding of paid and unpaid women's work, as well as economic and educational alternatives for women. Currently, Womenskills is working on four projects.
- Learning Resources, to develop and publish materials on economic resources for women, and present
workshops on women's employemnt and eductional issues.
- Economic Options, to research businesses involving women, present community workshops and to establish a network of women and community organizations develop strategies to increase the participation of
women in the creation of economic options, and sponsor women's business enterprises.
- Microtechnology, to deal with the impact of computer technology on the current economic crisis in British
Columbia and its effect on women's jobs.
- The Resource Centre, open to the public on weekdays, with a collection of books, periodicals, articles, clippings, and film/video lists.

Membership includes amonthly newsletter.

This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1986.
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