Women in Focus Arts and Media Centre
Organization profile published 1986

Year Published:  1986
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX3073

WOMEN IN FOCUS began in 1974 as a video production group, and a year later undertook national distribution of feminist film and video. In 1978, it sponsored a national festival, and established a gallery. In may 1985, it hosted "Acting Up", a feminist cabaret.

Created primarily by video artist Marion Barling, it has addressed issues such as the normalization of rape, pornography and women-battering, and sexual harassemnt in western society. Barling also stressed the need to develop a feminist media aesthetic, to distinguish the works and priorities of women artists from the cncompassing sexism of maintaining media: in advertising, popular culture and specififcally in film and video. She gave many production workshops in order to train women in media skills.

WOMEN IN FOCUS plans to continue promoting feminist visual performing and media artists. It encourages membership from media-oriented women across the country to become less dependent upon government funding.

A feminist arts and media centre, it has produced about 45 works, and has a library on women and the arts in media, with catalogues on women's films and filmmaking groups. These and other videos and films of Canadian and international women media artists are described in an extensive catalogue. Write for purchases and rental details. Recent acquisitions for distribution includes Still Sane (on a lesbian set to a mental hospital), Make a Wish (on women's aging, Quebec) and One Woman Waiting.

This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1986.
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